I think that we can all agree that infertility sucks! The pain, the longing, the sadness. But there is an upside to every bad situation and infertility is no different. So here are the pros to infertility:
* You never have to worry about birth control pills or stumbling around for a condom during the heat of the moment.
* You can have sex whenever and wherever you want. 'Cause you know we infertiles do it like rabbits.
* You can dress your dogs up in clothes. Not only do people accept it, they expect it.
* You can put your "kids" (furbabies) in a cage. No need to pay for a sitter!
* You can streak through your house nekkid.
* With all of the money that you save on birth control you can afford to go on vacation 4 times a year. Hawaii here I come!
* Instead of diapers and formula you can buy Jimmy Choo shoes and Prada bags.
* You can be a lush and no one will turn you in to child services.
* You and your hubby can fight and yell at each other and call each other names without worrying about little ears hearing you and repeating profanities.
* More people have seen your hoo-ha than the average crack whore yet you never have to worry about being called a whore or getting an STD.
* You get to meet new people all the time: RE's, ultrasound techs, lab techs, nurses, etc.
* You can give yourself a shot in your hiney, track your cycles by checking cervical mucous and hold an intelligent conversation with most doctors.
* You know what RE, PIO, EWCM, and 5dp3dt means and can use all terms in a sentence.
See? It is not all bad!!! Now add your own!