Our journey through infertility, failed adoptions and now parenthood through the miracle of embryo adoption/donation.

Friday, February 22, 2013

He is coming home!

On Wednesday the dr told us that he would possibly consider letting hubby come home this weekend. Maybe. If you read my last update we were not happy with this at all. Then that night they started him on 2 more antibiotics. This is hubby's 12th round of cellulitis so he has had so many antibiotics. Too many. And he is allergic to 3 of them so we avoid any unnecessary antibiotics. These were given even though his white blood cell count was normal, he was having no trouble with the current med and he had no fever. The dr was still using his ear temp as just cause. So on Thursday I called the insurance company to ask how leaving AMA would affect us and she assured us (and verified with her supervisor) that they would pay the claim no matter what. Whew!

This was a last resort for us as we really wanted him to be discharged by the dr, but since said dr was being unreasonable we needed to know our options. Next I called the patient advocate and explained my concern. She asked what I wanted and I told her two things: A second opinions and for the dr to request hubby's previous records before making a decision. His condition is chronic and there is no reason to redo the previous testing (especially 2-3x) when the results are coming back the same. So she called hubby to see if he, as the patient, agreed. Then she called the dr's supervisor. Not sure what was said but she later called hubby to say that he could not have a second opinion. I don't know if it was because of the snow storm and another dr was not available or what, but I was furious. But before I could call her back the dr came in and said that hubby was doing so well he could go home on Friday. I am irritated that he made us go through all of that, but glad he is releasing him.

To answer Barb's question, we did consider another facility but we would have had to pay $200 (on top of the $1000 we owe here) for them to send him home. He has redness on his leg but nothing else so they would not admit him.

So he will be home this afternoon! YAY!!!! I am so happy to have him home. He will have a few weeks of recovery still but it will be easier at home. Thank you for the prayers and advice!


  1. Praise God! Glad the Dr finally let him go :)

  2. YAY!!! Happy to hear that he is going home:) Hope you all have a restful weekend, and your hubby has a quick recovery so you all can put this incident behind you. ((Hugs))

  3. I am glad that he is home. What an ordeal for you both.Praying for clear sunny skies ahead for both of you.BTW thanks for answering my question. Praying for you all.Hang in there.


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