Our journey through infertility, failed adoptions and now parenthood through the miracle of embryo adoption/donation.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Maybe a Match!

I just spoke to the coordinator at the clinic and they have a couple that is donating their embies and it looks like a very good match for us!!! She read me their health history and stats and it sounds perfect. The couple had twins with their first IVF and have 6 embies frozen. The dr needs to review everything on Wednesday and then they have to get the couple there for infectious disease testing. Here is where prayer come in: The couple lives a few/several hours away and they need to some to the office for testing. Please pray that they come soon! Hopefully by this weekend. The clinic has agreed to waive some of their storage fees for them to encourage them to come in soon.

I will begin the BCPs on CD3, which is next week. If things are not in place for these embies then I may have to allow a period then start the cycle again, but if they are ready then we are ready. The money is due 2 weeks before the transfer so that gives us, what? Four or five weeks?? AHHH! Can this really be happening!?!??! I am so excited!!!!


  1. Congrats- hopefully your clinic will work with them as the blood work should be able to be completed anywhere in the US.

    If I can help, please let me know!!!

    I love the Halloween theme!!!


  2. I asked them if the blood work could be completed closer to their home but they said no. The clinic has a contract locally that saves them a lot of money. If they did it elsewhere it would cost $2500 and it would be added to the recipient's cost. YIKES!

  3. YAY YAY YAY! OMW ... Four or five weeks this all could be happening! Oh soooo stinking happy and excited for you!


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