Our journey through infertility, failed adoptions and now parenthood through the miracle of embryo adoption/donation.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Update on my little diva

After 12 hours of Cervidil and 5 hours of Pitocin they sent me home. My little diva refuses to come out!! I am only 1 cm dilated and only starting to thin out. Maddie has yet to drop either. So basically nothing happened. After 17 hours my BP was only high 2 times so my OB decided that the risk of complications of further inducing me outweighed the risk of pre-e causing problems. So now we wait. I see him again on Tuesday and if I am starting to progress he will induce me then. If not we may need to wait a few more days and/or discuss a c-section. She is coming out next week whether she likes it or not!


  1. Please enjoy every last minute!!!! I miss my belly and having my miracles inside of me!!!!


  2. I know you can't wait to meet her!

  3. Maybe she's not a diva - maybe she's just very laid back. We can hope! ;-)

  4. Bummer for the wait...but I like that your Dr. isn't pushing you along against the natural signs of your body. Enjoy your last weekend and try (even though I know how hard this is) to rest as you have a big job to do next week!

  5. Praying! Glad your BP has been okay!

  6. Enjoy your last "couples only" weekend!

  7. Come on little Maddy, help Mom out a bit! I'm thinking of you constantly, Fran


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