Our journey through infertility, failed adoptions and now parenthood through the miracle of embryo adoption/donation.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Don't let this sweet face fool you!


Maddie is now 4 months! Actually, 4 1/2 months old. My how time does fly!!! She is still not the best sleeper, but she is getting better. All in all she is a good natured baby and easy to please. Well, that is until she got an ear infection and then it was Invasion of the Body Snatchers!!!! Holy Cow, this child changed! She became this whiny, clingy, non sleeping creature. She was connected to me 24/7. She is normally a daddy's girl but she screamed if anyone but me held her, including Papa Bear.

She is on the mend and feeling much better (YAY!) but the antibiotic gives her diarrhea (BOO!). How in the world this child can poop clear up to her hair line I will never know. The first day was so bad that she pooped out of her diaper, all down her leg, into her sock and all over hubby. Just nasty!!! And she giggled the entire time. Glad she felt better but man, it was gross!!!

So that catches you up in the life of Maddie. And for your enjoyment here is another photo of her. Enjoy the cuteness!!!



  1. Maddie is TOO PRECIOUS! I am having to wean Blakely from nursing so she has been a CLINGY, WHINY FUSS TOO! BIG HUGS!

  2. Oh my goodness - how cute she is! Time really does fly, I agree.

  3. Aww, she's so precious! Glad she's feeling better!

  4. I TOTALLY enjoyed the cuteness! Ear infections are never fun : ( I am glad she is doing better.

  5. She is SO adorable!!! Hard to believe it's already been 4 months!

  6. What a sweetie! She's so cute - I bet you're a great mom.

  7. I can't believe she is alreay 4.5 months old, she is so cute, don't you just want to eat her up everyday ;)


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