Our journey through infertility, failed adoptions and now parenthood through the miracle of embryo adoption/donation.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Squishy People

My sister has a 7 month old baby girl, Bella. She is an adorable, little chubby baby. Her legs look like the Michelin man!!! My sister and her hubby are both very thin people and being that I am not everyone thinks that Bella is mine. And why not, I am squishy too. My older niece even said that Bella looks like she could be our baby because she was chubby. This got me to thinking about our baby and what she will look like. Most people are able to look back at their own baby photos and get an idea of what their baby will look like. Bella may not resemble her skinny minnie parents today, but both of there were chubby babies and she looks just like them.

With us we are not able to do this as we used donated embryos. Will Maddie be squishy too?? Or a scrawny little baby? Will she be intellectual? Athletic? Musically inclined? All of the things that we are not? Will people look at us and think "where in the world did that baby come from??". That is all we need, a child too fast for us to catch or too smart to get caught! We average squishy people need an average squishy baby! Not that I don't want her to be smart as I do. How else will she get a scholarship to Harvard? I have my future to think about, you know. I will be old one day and need to be cared for. If she becomes a doctor or a lawyer then she can afford to put me in some fancy shmancy retirement home to be waited on hand and foot. If she flips burgers at McD's then I will be lucky to get a room of my own in her basement one day. So it will be great if Maddie is smart, but not so smart that we look stupid. A biological child would have caused us no worry, but an adopted one? Hmmm.....this could be interesting! ;-)


  1. I wonder all those things, too..... It will be fun to find out what kind of personality she has!

  2. The best part of this is watching her grow up and emerge as her own person- her own looks and traits and quirks. What a blessing and a joy!

    Happy ICLW!

    ~Miriam (ICLW #90) Hannah Wept, Sarah Laughed

  3. So many great thoughts!!!!


  4. These are all fascinating things to wonder about. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!


  5. Jess, how much, if any, do you know about the donor parents? Are you doing it like an open adoption?


  6. I loved this post! Too cute! Ohhh the waiting is sooo much fun!:)


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