Our journey through infertility, failed adoptions and now parenthood through the miracle of embryo adoption/donation.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The results are in.....

and there is one healthy baby in there!!!! There was a strong heartbeat and everything looks perfect! Seeing the heartbeat was the most amazing thing. My hubby and I just cried. My official due date is August 30th and I have been released to my regular OB and will see him next Thursday.

Right now I am adjusting to thinking baby, not babies. Please don't think that I am not pleased as punch over this bambino, I am. But 2 embies went in, it is not easy knowing that 2 will not come out. It is not about being greedy and wanting more, it is about loving 2 embies from the beginning and sad that one is no longer with me.

After the appointment I went to a consignment shop and tried on maternity clothes. It was FUN!!!! I found 3 tops and one skirt, not an easy feat for a chubby girl. I have browsed before this for maternity clothing, but this time it was for real. I am a mom-to-be and I had the right to be there, trying on the clothes and the fake baby bump. I was huge sporting that bump though!! I told hubby that once I am huge with child we will no longer be able to hug. We will just have to bump bellies and wave.

Seeing our baby on the screen made it all real to me. Now that I know all is well I am no longer wishing for morning sickness. Which means that I will most likely get it now. But I don't care. Anything for the bambino!!!


  1. Im so sorry for your loss of your one embie! Not greedy AT ALL! They were both yours and any loss is sad! ... Im just so thrilled that you are going to have a BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!

  2. Congratulations, Jess!! I'm so sorry you lost one as well, but I'm very excited about the little one who's stuck on you!! :)

  3. Jess,
    I'm SO THRILLED for you and know just how you feel about not saying "babies" I still say it. It is very sad in a way but also thrilling!

    God Bless!

  4. I remember this exact feeling after our IVF cycle where we put two in and then had only one healthy baby (also due August 30, 2008) at the ultrasound. It felt weird to have what we'd always wanted (pregnancy!), but also sad at the loss of our other embryo, especially after our betas had suggested multiples. It took a few weeks for that feeling of sadness to fade. It is a loss, like anything else, so I am glad that you are able to acknowledge your feelings, as that will hopefully help you handle them.

  5. Congratulations!!! How amazing that this has happened for you and for your husband. It took us nine years and donated embryos to get our twins, so we know how precious this news is for you. Lovely...simply lovely!

  6. Yay, that is so exciting! So glad your mind has been eased and I'm praying that you don't get any morning sickness! Can't wait to find out more about this little one! Congrats!

  7. Whoohoo! Congrats!
    I love the idea of you and Dh bumping belly's too cute.

  8. So happy everything went well!!! Delighted for you!! Fran

  9. Yay!! I, too remember that first u/s to be bitter sweet - so excited to see that tiny tiny heart beating, but sad that 2 went in and only one remains. I kept looking for the other one while they were doing the u/s thinking, it just had to be there. That transition from calling them babies to calling it "baby" caught me offguard all the time, too - bringing a little sadness each time I slipped and called them babies. Praise God for this precious little miracle and know that the other little one is being held in His arms in heaven.
    Congrats! Laura

  10. Congrats Jess! Yeah, I can understand those feelings of sadness over losing one. I"m so happy for you that one did stick. Congrats again!

  11. Came via la Creme, and had to pop over to the recent posts to say Congrats!! :)


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