Our journey through infertility, failed adoptions and now parenthood through the miracle of embryo adoption/donation.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Greater......

There is no doubt about this one. No squinting. No wondering. A real positive. I took another 2 line FRER yesterday morning and it was still light so I was nervous. I went out and bought this digital and did the potty dance for 4 hours waiting to take it. It came up pretty quickly and it was beautiful to see!! Because my transfer was in the afternoon this test was taken at the beginning of 6dp5dt. I got my first positive a full day earlier than I did with Maddie. I was honestly prepared for negatives until at least tomorrow, if not a negative beta as well. I was so shocked that this worked!!!

I am feeling pretty well. I am starving all of the time and have hot flashes from time to time. Food tastes different and my nose is stuffy (same as with Maddie). And I am more tired than usual, but not too bad. I have my beta tomorrow and will be glad to hear my number. When I got pregnant with Maddie I was naive. I thought that since we had made it that far that things would be fine and they were. In January I thought for sure that we would get pregnant again and life would be dandy. But it wasn't. And in the past year I have watched many others get BFN's, experience miscarriages and even have no embryos on the day of transfer. No matter how hard we try there is no guarantee. But regardless of what happens the baby(s) that I am carrying right now are mine. I love them. And I will enjoy every single moment, no matter how long or how short. I just pray that I have many, many, many years with them!!!


  1. YEAH, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Praying for great BETA #'s. so happy for you all :)

  2. Congrats! So excited for you :)

  3. I am SO happy for you!! You have a very early positive, I'm praying this is a great sign of high beta tomorrow and healthy pregnancy and baby(or babies). YAY!!!!!!!!

  4. I am so happy for you and excited to see your beta #'s. oh and if both stuck ;). Hopefully my second transfer will work too :)

  5. Soooooo exciting, congrats!!!!


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