Our journey through infertility, failed adoptions and now parenthood through the miracle of embryo adoption/donation.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Mock transfer went great!

I had my MET today and everything went very well. I must say that I was nervous as I have never had an u/s or test that did not show cysts, polyps, or fibroids. Or a combination of the three. I am so used to it that I was prepared for it today. But nope! Nothing! My uterus was beautiful! All ready for a baby. So now I wait 3 weeks for my next cycle to start and then I start my meds and schedule the transfer date. Not much longer now!!!


  1. So exciting! Congrats and good luck!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great news! So thrilled for you! Since you are going through this a bit before me, I will be following your journey closely! Many blessings to you!

  4. Yay! So excited to hear what's next!!!!

  5. Hi there from ICLW. How fantastic the MET went well! I also just read your post about being weirded out that you're actually "here" again. Very exciting news...wishing you well! 3 weeks to go!


  6. I am so glad everything went well. Hope that more great news is in your very near future!

  7. Hi from ICLW! So happy for your good news! Wishing you all the best for your upcoming cycle!

  8. I found you through ICLW, though I forgot to sign up for it myself this month. Well that is wonderful news with the mock transfer. I hope all goes well for you with the real one!


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